Do you think I'm ready for a dog ?
I think if its ok with your parents and tey are willing to help with caring for it then yes your family is ready.
My little girl is 6 and has a pug, I do the traning and feeding on weekdays or if shes having a sleep over but when she is home she takes care of him.
A boston terrier would probly be a good choice. I have one he is calm, loves short walks, he only barks when someone is at the door.
All dogs shed. Bostons dont shed as much as others.
If you dont want it to shed im guessing you dont want to have alot of grooming eather. so i would look at short hair dogs.
Pugs are great the love walks, easy to potty train as long as you stick with it, very playfull, great little guys, But they do shed
dash hounds are good little guys, They dont shed much, they are quite, they like to play and go for walks.
french bull dogs are great guys too. very cute alot like a boston. frenchs bull dogs can not swim, In my experance bostons cant swim eather.
Id go with one of those guys, I have a boston, I have a pug, My next dog will be a french.
also please dont fall for the new mixed breeds, you can find them in a pound, a good breder will not breed a mixed mreed.
Go to and look at the diffrent breeds. Then look for breeders around you talk to them. they can tell you exactly what you need to look for
good luck
Reply:My sis has had two dogs. You would be better off with a Chow. If you get a lab you will have to keep it outside b/c they are wild. Golden Reterviers are good "watch dogs." Other dogs are too loud and wild and dangerous or the other dogs you may not even want but you will want a Chow. Chows are so cute and they don't get to big. Do don't bark as babies but I don't know if they bark as they get older. You can always get someone to train the dog not to bark though. And think that all dogs shed, even a little bit if I'm not mistaking.
Reply:Well, first of all, sweetheart, the only dog that fits your criteria is a stuffed one. :)
All dogs shed, some more than others.
Most dogs bark, but little little ones bark the most!
Maybe suggest a Westie to your parents. or a Cairn Terrier or Scottish Terrier. they are smallish and don't shed too much. Mine barks a lot, though.
And remember that dogs are very expensive and take a lot of time. Do you have 1-2 hours EVERY day you can give up to take care of a dog? Do you or your parents have the money for one? These are important questions.
good luck!
Reply:shih-tzu s don't shed because they don't have fur, they have hair. but you do have to cut it once in a while so it doesn't get too long. yorkies also have hair and are smal like a shih-tzu but i'm not sure if they bark alot...
good luck
Reply:I got my first dog when I was twelve. She was a Pembroke Welsh Corgi. I would highly recommend a Corgi, but they do shed. A Poodle does not shed much and come in several sizes, but they need a lot of grooming.
Reply:Look at English Springer Spaniels. They are a medium sized dog, don't shed a lot, and make the most wonderful family pets. They are about 20 inches tall, and weigh about 35 pounds when grown.
Reply:Have a talk with your mom. find out why she is against it. If she doesnt think you will take care of it suggest taking in a foster dog. You can ask your humane society about it. It will only be until the humane society finds a permant home so your mom won't have to worry about it being permanant. that will give her a chance to see if you are able to take care of a dog. Plus if she decides you can have the dog you can adopt it. Or maybe you will decide your not ready for a dog because it's harder than you thought. It may even help you decide what breed you want. Plus you may be saving a dog from getting put to sleep. If you want info on dog breeds. go to It is a great site for anyone wanting a new dog and will help you decide what breed will be best for your family.
There may be other reasons your mom may not want a dog and think you may not understand. Like if you they can afford dog food, licence, shots, vet bills, supplies....
Reply:if your wanting something that doesnt have fur . than pick a jack russel . there hyper and make really great pets. i have 4 at home .
Reply:I think that your mom is the deciding decision. You may be ready but she will end up having to pay for it. Most dogs that are bred to poodle do not shed and depending on how you train them will be quiet. I have a Maltese/Poodle mix and she is very quiet and weighs about 10 pounds, but my Shih-Tzu/Poodle mix is a little yappy when people or animals that he doesn't know are around and weighs 5 lbs. The problem is that most if not all dogs that don't shed have long hair, so you need to be ready to daily brushing or pay for the dog to get a haircut every 6 weeks.
Reply:i think you would be ready for a dog i have one and she is perfect she is a Bichon Frise Poodle Mix i walk her ever day she doesn't shed and is small and very cute !i got her from the news paper you should look in there.
Reply:Im 12 1/2 too, and at first i thought i wouldnt like small breeds also, but then after i noticed a patern in my mom giving away all the big dogs we got from the shelter, i thought other wise. Now i have a Chihuahua and i LOVE her. i used to think that small breeds couldnt do all the things bigger dogs could, (like go swimming, play frisbee, or run on the beach). but i was way wrong.
P.S- yes i think ur ready for a dog! good luck
Reply:Sorry hun, but you cant be the primary caregiver for a dog. Dont you go to school? As long as your family wants to get a dog, and you are 100% sure, then go ahead. I reccomend a Shetland Shpeepdog. Here is info:
Shetland Sheepdog Breed Standard
Herding Group
General Appearance
Preamble-- The Shetland Sheepdog, like the Collie, traces to the Border Collie of Scotland, which, transported to the Shetland Islands and crossed with small, intelligent, longhaired breeds, was reduced to miniature proportions. Subsequently crosses were made from time to time with Collies. This breed now bears the same relationship in size and general appearance to the Rough Collie as the Shetland Pony does to some of the larger breeds of horses. Although the resemblance between the Shetland Sheepdog and the Rough Collie is marked, there are differences which may be noted. The Shetland Sheepdog is a small, alert, rough-coated, longhaired working dog. He must be sound, agile and sturdy. The outline should be so symmetrical that no part appears out of proportion to the whole. Dogs should appear masculine; bitches feminine.
Size, Proportion, Substance
The Shetland Sheepdog should stand between 13 and 16 inches at the shoulder. Note: Height is determined by a line perpendicular to the ground from the top of the shoulder blades, the dog standing naturally, with forelegs parallel to line of measurement.
Disqualifications-- Heights below or above the desired size range are to be disqualified from the show ring.
In overall appearance, the body should appear moderately long as measured from shoulder joint to ischium (rearmost extremity of the pelvic bone), but much of this length is actually due to the proper angulation and breadth of the shoulder and hindquarter, as the back itself should be comparatively short.
The head should be refined and its shape, when viewed from top or side, should be a long, blunt wedge tapering slightly from ears to nose.
Expression-- Contours and chiseling of the head, the shape, set and use of ears, the placement, shape and color of the eyes combine to produce expression. Normally the expression should be alert, gentle, intelligent and questioning. Toward strangers the eyes should show watchfulness and reserve, but no fear.
Eyes medium size with dark, almond-shaped rims, set somewhat obliquely in skull. Color must be dark, with blue or merle eyes permissible in blue merles only. Faults-- Light, round, large or too small. Prominent haws. Ears small and flexible, placed high, carried three-fourths erect, with tips breaking forward. When in repose the ears fold lengthwise and are thrown back into the frill. Faults-- Set too low. Hound, prick, bat, twisted ears. Leather too thick or too thin.
Skull and Muzzle Top of skull should be flat, showing no prominence at nuchal crest (the top of the occiput). Cheeks should be flat and should merge smoothly into a well-rounded muzzle. Skull and muzzle should be of equal length, balance point being inner corner of eye. In profile the top line of skull should parallel the top line of muzzle, but on a higher plane due to the presence of a slight but definite stop. Jaws clean and powerful. The deep, well-developed underjaw, rounded at chin, should extend to base of nostril. Nose must be black. Lips tight. Upper and lower lips must meet and fit smoothly together all the way around. Teeth level and evenly spaced. Scissors bite.
Faults-- Two-angled head. Too prominent stop, or no stop. Overfill below, between, or above eyes. Prominent nuchal crest. Domed skull. Prominent cheekbones. Snipy muzzle. Short, receding, or shallow underjaw, lacking breadth and depth. Overshot or undershot, missing or crooked teeth. Teeth visible when mouth is closed.
Neck, Topline, Body
Neck should be muscular, arched, and of sufficient length to carry the head proudly. Faults-- Too short and thick.
Back should be level and strongly muscled. Chest should be deep, the brisket reaching to point of elbow. The ribs should be well sprung, but flattened at their lower half to allow free play of the foreleg and shoulder. Abdomen moderately tucked up. Faults-- Back too long, too short, swayed or roached. Barrel ribs. Slab-side. Chest narrow and/or too shallow. There should be a slight arch at the loins, and the croup should slope gradually to the rear. The hipbone (pelvis) should be set at a 30-degree angle to the spine. Faults-- Croup higher than withers. Croup too straight or too steep.
The tail should be sufficiently long so that when it is laid along the back edge of the hind legs the last vertebra will reach the hock joint. Carriage of tail at rest is straight down or in a slight upward curve. When the dog is alert the tail is normally lifted, but it should not be curved forward over the back.
Faults-- Too short. Twisted at end.
From the withers, the shoulder blades should slope at a 45-degree angle forward and downward to the shoulder joints. At the withers they are separated only by the vertebra, but they must slope outward sufficiently to accommodate the desired spring of rib. The upper arm should join the shoulder blade at as nearly as possible a right angle. Elbow joint should be equidistant from the ground and from the withers. Forelegs straight viewed from all angles, muscular and clean, and of strong bone. Pasterns very strong, sinewy and flexible. Dewclaws may be removed. Faults-- Insufficient angulation between shoulder and upper arm. Upper arm too short. Lack of outward slope of shoulders. Loose shoulders. Turning in or out of elbows. Crooked legs. Light bone.
Feet should be oval and compact with the toes well arched and fitting tightly together. Pads deep and tough, nails hard and strong. Faults-- Feet turning in or out. Splay feet. Hare feet. Cat feet.
The thigh should be broad and muscular. The thighbone should be set into the pelvis at a right angle corresponding to the angle of the shoulder blade and upper arm. Stifle bones join the thighbone and should be distinctly angled at the stifle joint. The overall length of the stifle should at least equal the length of the thighbone, and preferably should slightly exceed it. Hock joint should be clean-cut, angular, sinewy, with good bone and strong ligamentation. The hock (metatarsus) should be short and straight viewed from all angles. Dewclaws should be removed. Faults-- Narrow thighs. Cow-hocks. Hocks turning out. Poorly defined hock joint.
Feet as in forequarters.
The coat should be double, the outer coat consisting of long, straight, harsh hair; the undercoat short, furry, and so dense as to give the entire coat its "standoff" quality. The hair on face, tips of ears and feet should be smooth. Mane and frill should be abundant, and particularly impressive in males. The forelegs well feathered, the hind legs heavily so, but smooth below the hock joint. Hair on tail profuse. Note: Excess-hair on ears, feet, and on hocks may be trimmed for the show ring. Faults-- Coat short or flat, in whole or in part; wavy, curly, soft or silky. Lack of undercoat. Smooth-coated specimens.
Black, blue merle, and sable (ranging from golden through mahogany); marked with varying amounts of white and/or tan. Faults-- Rustiness in a black or a blue coat. Washed-out or degenerate colors, such as pale sable and faded blue. Self-color in the case of blue merle, that is, without any merling or mottling and generally appearing as a faded or dilute tri-color. Conspicuous white body spots. Specimens with more than 50 percent white shall be so severely penalized as to effectively eliminate them from competition. Disqualification-- Brindle.
The trotting gait of the Shetland Sheepdog should denote effortless speed and smoothness. There should be no jerkiness, nor stiff, stilted, up-and-down movement. The drive should be from the rear, true and straight, dependent upon correct angulation, musculation, and ligamentation of the entire hindquarter, thus allowing the dog to reach well under his body with his hind foot and propel himself forward. Reach of stride of the foreleg is dependent upon correct angulation, musculation and ligamentation of the forequarters, together with correct width of chest and construction of rib cage. The foot should be lifted only enough to clear the ground as the leg swings forward. Viewed from the front, both forelegs and hindlegs should move forward almost perpendicular to ground at the walk, slanting a little inward at a slow trot, until at a swift trot the feet are brought so far inward toward center line of body that the tracks left show two parallel lines of footprints actually touching a center line at their inner edges. There should be no crossing of the feet nor throwing of the weight from side to side.
Faults-- Stiff, short steps, with a choppy, jerky movement. Mincing steps, with a hopping up and down, or a balancing of weight from side to side (often erroneously admired as a "dancing gait" but permissible in young puppies). Lifting of front feet in hackney-like action, resulting in loss of speed and energy. Pacing gait.
The Shetland Sheepdog is intensely loyal, affectionate, and responsive to his owner. However, he may be reserved toward strangers but not to the point of showing fear or cringing in the ring. Faults-- Shyness, timidity, or nervousness. Stubbornness, snappiness, or ill temper.
Scale of Points
General Appearance
Skull and stop
Eyes, ears and expression
Neck and back
Chest, ribs and brisket
Loin, croup and tail
Forelegs and feet
Hip, thigh and stifle
Hocks and feet
Gait--smoothness and lack of wasted
motion when trotting
Heights below or above the desired size range, i.e., 13-16 inches.
Brindle color.
If you want more info, buy a dog encyclopedia, such as the new enclyclopedia of dogs, by bruce fogle. Do alot of research to determine he right dog for you.
Reply:u should get a shi-zu my brother have that kind of dog and it is small and so cute and i think u r ready 4 a dog
Reply:I would adopt a pet for awhile and see how you like or dislike it. From my three experiences with dogs, you're not ready. You may think you're ready, but dogs are a HUGE responsibility. They pee and poop everywhere, and they don't train so easily unless you're consistent. Their food is expensive, and you have to buy new food every week, or two weeks, or month, depending on the size of the dog. And they chew up your favorite clothing. Just take my word, I had a Lab, Pomeranian, and Dotson.
Reply:think if you are ready maybe a pug.I've never had one but i have been around a lot and i think they are a good breed just get one from a good breeder and make shore the parents are health good luck
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