Monday, January 30, 2012

There is a rat living in my garden...?

I have seen a rat living in my garden, hes been living under the shed for about a month and he was attracted by my bird feeders which I have now removed. I do not want to kill it, I don't see any need to, our house is detached and there are no children or bins or broken drainage or anything for it to climb into or destroy. The problem is, I was hoping it would disappear when the food was gone but I now see it climbing into the hedge and eating the berries, so it clearly doesn't want to move on. There is only 1 rat and as long as others don't come I wonder if it is ok just to ignore it? Or should I consider buying a humane trap and let it go in the woodlands? Serious answers would be helpful and remember I do not want to kill it. Thank you

There is a rat living in my garden...?
Look to see if there is a natural way to repel it, some animals hate the smell of menthol for instance. A book at the library may be helpfull for this as the internet info may take a while to sift through.
Reply:It is beyond my understandin why anyone would be reluctant to kill a rat. If you see one the chances are there are ten you do not see.If you have ever ben bitten a rat then you would certanly destroy them by any means avalable, besides that rats carry some deadly diseases. think about it ! ! !
Reply:put out a weather resistant bait poison from the farm supply stores, rats and only one,,,,i don't think so,,,,the was a mom and dad rat plusbothers and sisters and if you see one running around,,, then they are of breeding age,,which means you are going to get over whelmed real quick and a health hazard,
Reply:As a fellow animal lover I too understand why you wouldn't want to kill it. Problem is, rats breed like wild fire so it probably won't be just the one that you've seen. In most cases-which if you don't think about it-a cat will probably take care of the hideous job for you! Humane traps work for mice but rats can be vicious when scared and it could attack you when you let it go. I hope someone else can help you better than me! Good Luck!

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