Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Cat cruelty?

last week i fell out with my new neigbour as i saw him set his dog on one of my cats to get it out of his garden although at the time of the incident my cat was on my fence. i have since witnessed him do this again to someone elses cat and also when the cat ran under his shed to get away from the dog he took out a jet spray and tried to flush it out from under the shed. am i the only one who thinks this is bang out of order and is there any legal action that can be taken against him??

Cat cruelty?
Try and get him on video camera doing it next time, then contact the RSPCA.
Reply:Report him to the RSPCA, maybe they can do something.
Reply:If you can get video footage to substantiate the claim then the RSPCA would be able to take action against this person.
Reply:I have five cats and if that w##ker was my neighbour I would give him a real kicking!!!

I would try and document his disgusting behaviour and report it to the RSPCA, people like that shouldn't have pets!!!!!.

I had a neighbour who complained of my cats digging up his borders and doing their business in his garden, so I bought some Scoot mixed it up and sprinkled it in his garden, this did help prevent this problem, maybe you could try the same?.

Good luck.
Reply:1Punch the neighboor if he does it again and again

2Solve your problems with civilized dialogue

3Call RSPCA fast
Reply:I agree that it is cruel but unfortunately I think he is well within his rights. One 0f the things that's really annoying about other people's cats is when they use your garden as a toilet. My cat has a litter tray which she always uses. When neighbours are complaining about cat poo in their garden at least it is never my cat and so they don't mind when she goes to sunbathe in their garden. Your cat will soon get the message and not venture into your negihbours garden.
Reply:there is nothing you can do. Once I had a neighbor shot and kill my dog. She got away with it because he was on her property.
Reply:Under the Town Police Clauses Act 1847, it is an offence for a person to set on, or urge a dog to attack, worry or put fear in any person or animal.

Unfortunately, I am not sure if this includes on their own property.
Reply:PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE REPORT HIM TO THE R.S.P.C.A OR SOMETHING ..HE IS CRUEL! i love cats and all animals..he makes me sick. good luck
Reply:This person should not be allowed out on his own. He is a sick individual and should contact the police to see what you can do about this. If he wants cats out of his garden he can get plenty of things that arent harmful to cats to do this.
Reply:dont know about what the legal situation is but he doesnt sound like a nice bloke. i'd keep on eye on him and see what else he does and then i'd report him to the rspca. good luck!
Reply:That is totally outta order! Wat u waitin for, Christmas 2008? Go strait to the animal shelter or the animal police or lodge a complaint. Don't just sit and watch.
Reply:Ring the RSPCA, some one done that to our cat I smack him
Reply:i don't know if there is any legal action that you can take, as your neighbor may (unfortunately) be allowed to do this in order to get your cat off his property.

it sounds a horrible thing to do to them though. I hoep it gets sorted out soon for you, x
Reply:call the animal control officers in your area and they can investigate it and arrest him if need be.
Reply:I'd punch his lights out
Reply:yes. this is animal cruelty. inform the police as well as any animal welfare organisations (rspca in the uk). personally, i'd launch a hate/fear campaign against this neighbour. including killing his dog if he set it on my cat (in fact, if he had set his dog on my cat, i'd not only kill his dog but viciously assault him). encouraging such aggression in his dog will make it a danger to any other animals as well as people (especially children. he is training it to think anything smaller than it is fair game) he really should be shot for his stupidity %26amp; irresponsibility. take your cat to the vet for "stress" %26amp; send him the bill along with a lawyers letter. in the uk, cats are legally protected by a law called a "roving (or roaming) commission" since they are semi-wild %26amp; can't be trained to suppress their wandering instincts, as well as being legally classed as your property. making him guilty of damage to property as well as comitting crimes (possibly) in accordance with the dangerous dogs act. (whether or not the dog is one of the official dangerous dogs, he is wilfully training it to be a dangerous dog.
Reply:cats have free roam of the land! he can try to deter the cat from going in his garden as long as he dosen't harm the cat!! this is not right if he's setting the dog on cats,report him!!! all animals have a right to be here!
Reply:I don't think cruelty is the correct solution for him to take, but he has the right not to have to clear your cats muck off his garden. Maybe you should offer to do that for him in return for him keeping his dog on a tighter leash.
Reply:In this country (UK) in law it is considered "in a cat's nature to roam" and therefore your neighbour is way out of order. If he doesn't like it, there are other methods of keeping cats out of his garden, including lion's poo available at the garden centre. Not joking - it is called ROAR! I've heard that it is quite good.l

Also, the RSPCA (or SSPCA if you are in Scotland) would intervene for you if you advise them.
Reply:it is out of order, but at the same time if the cats are on his property i am sure he is allowed to get them off but this should be without hurting the poor cats speak to citizens advice first to see where you stand good luck
Reply:This is cruel, he doesn't deserve pets himself!

unfortunatly, you would have to catch him in the act to actually get something done... set up a camcorder or something, if you can catch him doing it again, he can be reported.

hope this helps
Reply:Yes he's being cruel but I don't know how the law stands, you could make matters worse if the RSPCA turn up. If he's angry at your cat messing in his garden then be really apologetic and offer to come and clear it up for him, in other words rise above him and try and be friendly, explain that you are very sorry if you cat is doing his business etc etc and tell him what a lovely doggie he has and basically butter him up. I know you may be angry now but you catch more flies with sugar than you do with vinegar. This man is obviously ignorant but normally ignorant people are won over by more intelligent curteous people and he could end up being putty in your hands. (I have two cats and I love them to bits and if you upset this man and something happened to your cat then just imagine how guilty you would be left feeling). Good luck hope you can charm him into seeing sense.
Reply:It does not matter whether the cats are on his property... what he is doing to those cats is simply illegal and you can call the proper authorities on him. Do it before he actually kills someone's pet.
Reply:leagaly i am not sure, but if it were my neighbour i would not let him continue to treat animals in this way - have a word with him, and let it slip that the RSPCA know about it. it may stop him.
Reply:call tha police jack


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