Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Problem cat!!!!??

ok we have a few baby pigeons and 2 dogs, we lock the dogs up in the shed at night soo they won't dig looking for cats and dig to get to the neighbours garden. But when we lock the dogs up the stupid cat think that it can just walk around killing birds, yesterday we found 2 dead baby pigeons, we dont know how to stop the cats!!!

we do the right thing by locking the dogs up, y can't cat owners keep their csats inside of a night!

Problem cat!!!!??
What you could do is ask your neighbors that have cats, to make sure they keep there cats in at night because your baby pigeons are getting killed. They should understand. If not then, sorry there is not really anything you can do about the cat problem, but you could keep your pigeons inside at night so they don't die during the night. Or put then in a cage so the cats can not get to them. Best of luck!!!
Reply:it is the character and nature of the cat what we called as the SURVIVAL OF THE keep the pigeons in the safe place only during the night time (or the time usually the cat comes).That is the best way i think.
Reply:You can't stop them, short of killing them, lock up your pigeons better. The cats are gonna play if the dogs are put away!!
Reply:Cats cant help nature.
Reply:Try chaining a or both dogs near the pin where the birds are kept. Find out who the cats belong too is another option and ask them to keep their cats inside or put a collar on them with a bell.
Reply:IF you are going to have pets the first thing you MUST do is to try to understand the nature of the beast. As I write this I firmly believe that if those birds had been rats or mice you would have been all over them with praise. The same instinct applies to birds as well as the rodents.


You can change the opportunities for the cats by changing where they are or you can try to change where the birds are are, but you are not going to change the cats.

If you are going to have cats you must love them for what they are "stone cold killers".
Reply:Keep the cats in the house. They can be let out during the day!
Reply:Are these pet pigeons? If yes, then why not shut the pigeons in at night? They are all roosting anyway -- they don't fly at night. I shut the little doors to my chicken coop at night and that solved the predator problem. You just have to remember to let them out in the morning.

If they are NOT pet pigeons but wild ones, then consider the cats part of natures' balance to control the feral pigeon population. Pigeons multiply VERY quickly -- without natural enemies, they quickly overpopulate and become a nuisance.

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