Saturday, February 11, 2012

Pleaseee help?

i have the worst neighbour in the world

his garden is joined to mine by a 3ft fence so he stands there taunting my children and once burnt there blow up garden toy

i need to know what the legal height for a fence is because i want to put a higher fence in so he can't do this anymore

the problems started because when i moved in he said half of my garden belonged to him but when i checked he was wrong

his garden is very very small and mine is very very big so since then he will sit in his garden stareing ino my living room because he has full view through my patio doors

he has had my children scared to go to bed he also works at the youth courts so he thinks he is above the law

the cops do nothing so up to now i've tried ignoreing him but it's getting hard

he does pet things like throw his coffee at my shed

can anyone help because i know he will try and report me as soon as i put one up

Pleaseee help?
There is no reason what so ever for this `man` to be taunting you in this way. He must have some kind of mental or personal problems. There is nothing stopping you from erecting a six foot fence around your garden, as long as you don't trespass on his land it will be OK.
Reply:I just moved into a brand new house and everyone on the development has 6ft fences so it must be the legal height.
Reply:I am not sure about the height allowable, but make sure you put in a privacy fence! As far as him thinking he is above the law, I doubt that is so. My brother had a similar experience with his neighbor, who was a county sherriff (here in the US). All it took was a letter from my brother's attorney and he stopped his mess. Also, the new sherriff soon fired this abusive person. I would suggest contacting his boss, and letting him know how he is terrorizing your children! Don't give up hope!
Reply:you can put up a 6ft fence in the UK
Reply:i totally know what your talking about when you say that you have the worse neighbor, but I've had many that were worse.i had a neighbor that poisoned my dog and got away with it another who had parties til 3am knowing i have kids and another who would shout profanities as she was going pass me house and mooning me and my kids!!So maybe that makes you feel some what better to know that everybody deals with a neighbor from hell. as for the fence, where i live, we can have them as high as advice is to have the property surveyed, find out where your property runs, then find out what is the highest fencing allowed, and also if you have a landlord i would talk to them as well and let them know whats going on and after all that if he still Perseus this, go to your local magistrate's office and have charges brought against him.another thing that helped me out, was putting up surveillance.if you catch it on tape, there's the proof for the charges.Good luck, I've been there,I'm pulling for ya.
Reply:If you're in the UK try this forum for help and advise, they helped me a great deal when I had parking problems. Make sure you record everything he say/does as evidence - this is intimidation and he shouldn't be allowed to get away with it - what makes him think half the garden is his - he's trying it on !
Reply:6 ft is the legal height for a fence, but I have my suspicions that he won't stop just because you have a 6ft fence.

What you need to do is gather evidence. Keep a diary with EVERY incident, no matter how small it seems.

Does he own his home or is he a council/housing association tenant?

Complain to them and show them the diary.

If he has bought his property phone you local council and speak to environmental health... for starters... throwing coffee in your garden is no different from throwing rubbish in it. You can also get them to advise you of another council dept to complain to.

EVERY TIME something happens phone the police... they don't have to come out, but it's logged, which will come in handy IF it goes further and you have to go to court.

Or, you can always find a solicitor who does the first hour free, explain to them whats going on and get them to write him a letter. A letter costs about £20 and may be a cheap option that might just work.
Reply:If you fit fencing to the 6ft don't buy wood. There are some concrete slabs that slot into uprights. These will last for years and there will be no gaps and less likely damaged by the creep. Before you erect go into the council offices and speak to the planning department and the Highways and Byways section. Confirm with both as to no issues with erecting. There wont be as long as you keep to either 3ft6 by the road or 6ft in a back garden. Then contact the police and ask why they are allowing this person to harass you and your children. They have a duty of care to protect you from harassment. That's what we pay council tax for..... Stand your ground and don't let the police away with just ignoring this....You and your children should feel safe in your own home. Borrow a camera and get footage if need be and take it to the police....these are really cheap now to buy and they can also be used for security some also go straight to your tel for easy recording. Personally I would borrow a large rotti and stick that out there for a couple of days that would sort it lol
Reply:you live in the right area to find a few loal villains, normally i wouldn,t advocate violence but i hate bullys, and thats what he sounds like, you must know someone who knows someone else if you take my meaning, he sounds like he deserves a slap
Reply:I can't really give you a specific height, being I don't know what state you live in or if you live in a subdivision that has certain restrictions on it. You should call your local council for specifications on this right away. You should also report all these things your neighbors doing, even if the cops aren't doing anything about it now. After a while it all adds up %26amp; if something big happens or he destroys something you have it all recorded.
Reply:your neighbour from hell, makes us think how lucky we are, if only the new law was in force then you would have been told what they were like i think i would think about moving.
Reply:6FT is the legal height.........
Reply:Shoot him....but don't tell anyone!!
Reply:I think if you put up a larger fence he will only vandalise it. Contact your local council and the police. This guy needs an ASBO. Hopefully he will then break it and then go to prison.
Reply:I would phone your local council (planning permission department) and ask them to advise you.

Looking on the net then what I can see is that if the fence is going to be next to a highway then anything over 1m requires planning permission. If the fence isn't going to be next to the highway then anything over 2m requires planning permission.
Reply:Really you should call the county %26amp; find out because it varies State to State %26amp; City to City also you may need a permit to do this which is pretty easy to get ~
Reply:a fence and a barrier hedge of thorny plants like wintergreen barberry, pyracantha, eleagnus,etc. if you could videotape his actions you would have a leagal case for the police and a lawyer. have him arrested and sue him!
Reply:go to the citizens advice burea..... dont let ******* bullies like this drive you out of your home - get a party going in your home - invite friends round - have a party - intimidate him. People like that piss me off - personally id have gone round and knocked him out
Reply:Please, please, pleeease invite me to stay with you for a few days. It will only take me a few minutes to "EXPLAIN" things to him. The rest of my visit will be to explore your beautiful country, I haven't skipped the "pond" in years. I worked for Dowty Rotol in the mid70s and married a Brit. You don't happen to have a Mini I could lease? I love driving on the left? wrong? middle? right? side of your roads. I have a 67 1275 Cooper S here in the states. RScott


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