Monday, February 13, 2012

Christians: When the Bible speaks of "light", as in?

Matthew 5:14- "You are the light of the world", what do you think is meant by "light"? I ask this because of the confusion there seems to be about the identity of the "serpent" in the Garden account of man's fall, and I'm contrasting this verse with 2 Corinthians 11:14- "And no wonder. For Satan transforms himself into an angel of light". The word for serpent here is "ha-nachash" which is used as an infinitive in three senses- "to divine", "to polish (as brass), and "to shine". Satan is referred to as "The Shining one" or "Light Bearer". I'm just curious as to whether or not Christians have ever made this connection or not. It could shed some "light" on their understanding of things spiritual and the nature of the conflict, yes? Do you think knowing this could help you better understand the Garden implications of man's nature and that "snakes" don't talk or have legs?

Christians: When the Bible speaks of "light", as in?
You have an interesting ability to correlate biblical phrases.

Shine on!
Reply:Thank You! Report Abuse
Reply:You're quite welcome. Peace. Report Abuse
Reply:Satan can disguise himshelf as an angel of light to deceive!

Christian are ask to be light of the world for God to point people to Christ.

God loves you.....God bless
Reply:While doing a word study one must not pull words out of context and not look at the entirety of the passage. Something that may help you is that the word, "transforms" is in the Greek "metaschematizo" [present middle indicative 3rd person singular] meaning "he disguises himself" possibly this brings your question into focus.

Further, in the processes of textual exegesis, one must consider the context of the passage in question. If you read the verses prior you will realize that the passage is speaking of those who pretend to be Christian workers.
Reply:In the bible, metaphors abound. And if you think about it, the duality of nature itself must provide itself a balance. A yin and yang. Light and darkness. Good and evil.

The word 'light' is used many times in the bible. And not always as a means to allow you to see in the dark. Which also is ambiguous.

God knew when the universe was first created that there would also be darkness. And yes, even God sinned. Tempting Adam and Eve by forbidding them to eat of the tree.

The tree did not have to 'be' at all. God could have manifested the fruit as easily as Jesus turned water to wine.

Ever wonder why Jesus was singular in saying "The Son shall pay for the sins of the Father".

It's good though that we do question before blindly following the flock off to slaughter.

Questioning is a gateway to wisdom. It also shows that we have humility by questioning ourselves.
Reply:Lucifer means "Light-bearer". That was Satan's former name.

The word,"light" has many definitions, but in Matthew 5:16 Jesus says,"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven."
Reply:Light. One word. Multiple meanings.
Reply:Satan's original name was Lucifer which means light bearer or radiant or bright morning star. There are probably other names relating to light that Lucifer could be associated with. However this "light" was a result of Lucifer's close proximity to God's Throne. God's light is said to have illuminated Lucifer when he was a "good" angel or cherub. When Satan rebelled he still tries to duplicate that luminance but it has no purity or truth in it now. As for the snake having legs and talking, that was a remarkable time in creation and the supernatural existed in close proximity to the natural unlike after the fall. It seems that Adam and Eve could communicate with the animals. The snake "did" have legs at the time but God cursed the snake so that it would crawl on it's belly.
Reply:Please focus the question. Otherwise you just sound like the serpent in the Garden. Whatever that means to you.
Reply:Satan was once Lucifer, the "morning star". He was in charge of the choir that worshipped God. He got jealous and proud (in a bad way) and told God that he should be God, that he was better than God. He got kicked out of heaven for that, and took a third of the angels with him. So yes, he was referred to as light, but now he is the representation of all things bad and dark. I'm not sure about other Christians, but I already knew that Satan used to be symbolic of light. Do you know why snakes have no legs? I'm thinking you do because you obviously are interested in the Bible. The snake was talking because Satan was talking through it. I really hope this has answered your question.
Reply:I see what your getting at but while satan is referred to a s shiny light bearing ect. It Says Jesus IS the light. not one of its effects

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